

July 20th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added support for location Municipality
  • New feature to require diagram verification before completing visits
  • Added an export option to the Certifications
  • Added label legend to the Diagrams in the visit summary
  • Added support for custom shapes to be mutated with constraining proportions
  • Moved diagram element tabs to prioritize the label tab
  • Fleet equipment selected in forms is now captured as a snapshot at the point of the form being completed
  • Added support for Equipment default fields in the ‘read-only’ field references
  • Converted the certifications search to utilize the saved searches
  • Fixed issues with Bulk closing work to prevent process from failing due to large requests
  • Added new inventory report to show part usage for a given period

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue formulas on time fields producing ‘NaN’ results
  • Fixed issue with form entry equipment not loading properly between sections


July 6th, 2022

New Features:

  • Invoice emailing can now be directed to the billing contact or to the location being invoiced
  • Phone number grouping (home/work/mobile/fax) now available when adding contact phone numbers
  • Diagrams are now being controlled with versions so diagrams will be captured at their specific version during visit completion
  • Restricted the use of “Show on summary” to only be available to admin users
  • Added configuration for automatically sending work summary notifications (may be configured differently between customers)
  • Inventory Location Labeling: can now attach labels to inventory locations
  • Added support for file attachments when attaching form history to locations
  • Adjusted visit summary automatic file transfer protocol (FTP) upload to trigger on work closing instead of visit completion

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug where default values would cause form data to be seen as modified
  • Fixed bug with the inventory locations pages not paginating properly
  • Fixed an issue occurring while editing inventory locations with the address blank
  • Fixed import/export template form to properly show errors when submitting the form
  • Fixed radio and checkbox elements to show focusing styles so users know when they are being focused
  • Fixed various issues with the Work quotes:
    • Now able to zero out prices, update prices on created quotes, create work that properly registers the price of items from the quote, fixed issue with unpublishing work quote would not complete, fixed items to show their category on published quotes


June 22nd, 2022

New Features:

  • New filter on Work-Visits for the payment terms of the work contact
  • Added location data columns to the equipment exports
  • Adjusted schedule ‘Map Visits’ action to open in a new tab
  • Popup from the scheduler now shows when a visit belongs to work with other visits
  • Added time-off dates to the User profile: Vacation Days page
  • Updated item search to also search on item descriptions
  • Sorting list items now uses a ‘handle’ for sorting so mobile users can scroll more easily
  • New ‘Download all’ files option for work and visit files
  • Adjusted service items on the Work (more compact for applicable users)
  • On visit pages, new ‘Start’ link for the suggested forms that allows users to attach and open the form in one action
  • Adjusted Visit Location address to be clickable on mobile devices so that it will open in the users ‘Maps’ application
  • New filter on the scheduler and work pages for an item category
  • Added validation to the equipment import to prevent users from adding equipment to locations/fleet that are not scoped to those location types
  • Re-designed the Locations equipment tab to show the equipment in groups by type (minimized on initial view)
  • Increased legibility of equipment types
  • Added company logo to the visit summary

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug where users were unable to change the manager of a user
  • Fixed an issue where users could not attach a visit to an invoice that already had other visits from that work attached
  • Fixed an issue where invoice total was not updating properly when using combo items
  • Fixed an issue with the use of Formula and Read-only fields that would not show proper options for the available fields to use in the formula
  • Fixed issue with forms using ‘min’ requirement on list sections
  • Fixed issue with form exporter not exporting some conditions based on values being ‘0’
  • Fixed various page break and spacing issues in the visit summary pdf version
  • Removed Work Fossa styling from pdf visit summary (orange bar on pages)
  • Removed Invoice description auto-setting based on the work description


June 8th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added feature to automatically calculate generated field types (formulas and read-only types) on work import
  • Adjusted highlighting of assigned work in the schedule pages: If a user is assigned as the foreman they are now highlighted purple and helpers are highlighted yellow
  • On the schedule pages: the counts at the top of the day now reflect all work the user is assigned to and not just the work being shown by the filters
  • New link in the scheduler week view to open the visit in a new tab
  • Added a new ‘Add all equipment’ option while entering form-data for a multi-list section that is linked to equipment
  • New permission to allow users to enter forms on a visit
  • Added ‘contains’ filter to check a condition based on the value containing a value
  • New ‘Save & New’ function while entering customer equipment to allow users to enter multiple pieces of equipment
  • Added diagram element groups and sorting: Diagram elements can now belong to groups and be sorted
  • Added an option to manually set fleet numbers
  • Adjusted equipment imports to allow users to import equipment to inventory locations
  • Added a form history import that can be used to record previously recorded form results without having to complete full form entries

Additional Updates:

  • Corrected editing process of an invoice contact: Now all invoice changes are saved automatically on a timer.
  • Fixed a race condition on the unpublishing of an invoice that would leave the progress bar up even though the process had completed
  • Invoice totals now display properly on excel invoices
  • Fixed issue with the service item select dialog that would cause the items to keep scrolling at the end of the list
  • Fixed an issue with the custom fields on work not updating properly


May 25th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added new condition group for services that allows users to have fields based on which services are attached to the work
  • Re-designed the forms list on the Visit page to organize the forms into groups
  • Added new feature for equipment that allows you to restrict access to equipment data based on the user’s role
  • Changed Work/Visit State filter to no longer require that country be selected
  • Adjusted the scheduler pages for Field users so that the default is filtered to their work regardless of whether they have permission to view other users work
  • Adjusted error handling on new release to help prevent the ‘hard refresh’ solution to fix the browser cache
  • Added an option to the print-view forms to show a user’s initials
  • Added an option to the print-view forms to optionally replace instead of always replacing the standard form (Default will still be to replace the standard form)
  • Added new option to the forms auto-list for creating combinations of unique values only

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue where location equipment lists were being truncated
  • Fixed issue with form requirements error messages not matching the correct form
  • Fixed issues with the ‘Previous work’ modal not reloading properly when navigating between visits; also renamed to ‘Location Work’
  • Fixed bug with form importer that would cause fields to be missing from the import
  • Fixed issue in the form print-views that would not show values of ‘0’
  • Fixed issue with the inventory location form not showing errors for missing address data
  • Fixed bug with removing users from the scheduler using the action menu
  • Fixed bug with formula conditions not evaluating properly on fields with options

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