
July 20th, 2022


1 min read.

New Features:

  • Added support for location Municipality
  • New feature to require diagram verification before completing visits
  • Added an export option to the Certifications
  • Added label legend to the Diagrams in the visit summary
  • Added support for custom shapes to be mutated with constraining proportions
  • Moved diagram element tabs to prioritize the label tab
  • Fleet equipment selected in forms is now captured as a snapshot at the point of the form being completed
  • Added support for Equipment default fields in the ‘read-only’ field references
  • Converted the certifications search to utilize the saved searches
  • Fixed issues with Bulk closing work to prevent process from failing due to large requests
  • Added new inventory report to show part usage for a given period

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue formulas on time fields producing ‘NaN’ results
  • Fixed issue with form entry equipment not loading properly between sections

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