

January 21st, 2024


  • Results/Summaries Refactored for performance and efficiency.
    • Completely overhauled how visit summaries are generated. This was a change in the works for a while to help with server stability and overall system performance.
      • All pieces of the summary are now individually stored as “snapshots” that can be assembled back together.
    • There is now an option to download just the certificate page.
      • We will be introducing a feature in the Vault to allow our customers to download this version of the summary as well.
  • Inventory Lots/Costing
    • Inventory is now received into lots and is properly costed all the way through to the invoice.
  • Inventory Exceptions
    • When inventory is sold that was not available a new Inventory Exception process is in place to manage that.
    • Inventory will no longer go negative.
  • New Invoice Items Export
    • New export for invoice items instead of just invoice totals.
    • This export also includes inventory cost on the line item.
  • New Inventory Costs Export
    • Per item export to show items with related cost data.
  • New columns on inventory export
    • Inventory export now includes columns for cost. (Last Cost, Avg Cost)
  • New print view field type for “Overall Result”
    • This feature should allow us to combine more print views into one report.


  • Inventory Location profiles now show product information related to cost.
    • Total value is now based on the inventory lots.
  • When resetting prices, if the reset price of the item is “$0.00” then it will not update the price and leave it whatever the work order has the prices as.
  • Timesheets - Users can now select end of day times when working overnight.
    • Previously there was an issue that did not allow users to select times past 11:45pm
  • Visit Timesheet now shows travel and time on site in hours.
  • Automated Emails and Ftp of results now have new options for the file naming.
    • Added City, State, PO #, and Service reason as options for the file naming.
  • Changed “Total Hours” calculation on the timesheet export to include PTO, Holidays and Regular hours.


  • Fixed an issue with our search bars that was not delaying searches causing inconsistent results.
  • Fixed Equipment Title on the Inventory → Equipment page to now show properly based on the equipment type’s configuration.
  • Fixed Imported Work Creator to now be configurable. (This impacted all import templates)
    • There was previously an issue with the import templates that would set the user based on who last created/updated the template. This was never meant to be forced but was missing from the interface. The interface will now allow you to choose if you want to run the import as a specific user, and it can be left blank now to favor the user running the import.
  • Fixed an issue with Timesheets start of week showing incorrectly when opened past 7pm.
    • This was due to an incorrect timezone calculation. Weeks will now properly list Monday - Sunday.


January 5th, 2024


  • Invoice creation with split services/parts
  • Quote PDF billing customer name
  • Form Entry Result validation
  • Various other fixes to address testing.


January 4th, 2024


  • Support for form validation through a webhook.
    • This feature will allow us to expand form validation.
  • Support for work permit tracking
    • Added the ability to attach permit nubmers to work that can then be translated into the generated paperwork. It is simple at the moment, but we believe we could expand this to handle more in the future.
  • Support for Customer custom fields
    • You can now create custom fields for customers. These fields can be used in Customer and Location searches and have also been added to the imports and exports for customers. Future enhancement will be to support these fields in the Print Views/Paperwork.


  • Modified how the system manages line-item relationships between work and invoices.
    • This change was specifically done to support multiple sub-contractor invoice line items. This will also improve our data integrity and auditing.
  • Changed how travel is recorded in the timesheets so that we can properly relate it to the visits they belong to.
    • This is critical when trying to determine the cost of work.
  • Changed staging environment to fake FTP and Integration services in addition to Email and text messaging.
    • This will allow us to run our queued workers and scheduled commands in our staging environment without worrying about them interfering with production.
  • Modified Work Quote Template
    • Work Quotes will now show the customer's name along with the billing contact name. Added a label to the Location # in the location section of the quote.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented users for adding multiple sub-contractor invoices.
  • Fixed a bug with combo pricing during work creation.
    • When combos were suggested by Work Fossa on Work creation and the user chose to use the combo it would pull default pricing instead of that customer's specific combo pricing. This would typically result in the item price being higher than expected.
  • Fixed an issue with the work activity that did not display recipients of notifications properly.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to save form entry history without recording the result of the form when the result is required.
    • This was only when entering the form entry from the action menu and not from forms that are filled out as part of the visit.
  • Fixed a bug in the forms that occurred when sorting line items. This issue would result in data no longer being visible to the end user.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the Compliance schedule requirements on equipment.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in visit numbers being duplicated on rare race conditions.


  • Display Location Throughput / Equipment Information on Vapor Forms for New York Compliance
  • Orange County EV Charger Form


November 16th, 2023


  • Location Name Field. (Custom Field has now been moved to a Primary field on the Location)
    • Now searchable from Locations, Work→List and Work→Visits pages.
  • Moved Location Name and Number fields into the filter group ‘Location’ for the Work search pages. (Previously Location # was in the ‘Customer’ filter group)
    • Now visible on Work Show, Visit Show, Customer Profile → Location Tab, Customer → Locations, Work Quote/PDF, Schedule Popup window and Schedule map
    • Added new column to location import/export.
  • Refactored and streamlined Activity logs for Work/Quote/Visit/Invoice


  • Form Entry Dates will now be displayed as visit date for entries attached to a visit.
  • Location Equipment sorted by Type, equipment number.
  • Custom Field Library options now retain ordering applied by the user during edits.
  • Field Availability list of users is now ordered by Foreman first then the helpers (alphabetically).


  • Fixed an issue that displayed the customer group field while editing contacts.
  • Fixed issues with Work Activity not being logged when using the bulk actions from the Work → List page.
    • Status changes from the Work → List page will now properly log the changes to the work activity.


September 21st, 2023


  • Customer Groups
    • Adds the ability to group customers so you can search by customer group
  • Admin Equipment Export filters
    • Added export filter options for equipment exports being run on the Admin → Exports page
    • Added filter on last form result service reason
  • Added service reason column to the equipment export for the service reason of the last test result


  • Issues with xml export
  • Performance issue with Location → Forms list
  • Issue with ‘Schedule future work’ toggle
    • Will now correctly default to off when the entity configuration is set
  • Issue with preventing work close without an invoice
    • This option should now behave properly and only be enforced when closing work

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