
July 6th, 2022


2 min read.

New Features:

  • Invoice emailing can now be directed to the billing contact or to the location being invoiced
  • Phone number grouping (home/work/mobile/fax) now available when adding contact phone numbers
  • Diagrams are now being controlled with versions so diagrams will be captured at their specific version during visit completion
  • Restricted the use of “Show on summary” to only be available to admin users
  • Added configuration for automatically sending work summary notifications (may be configured differently between customers)
  • Inventory Location Labeling: can now attach labels to inventory locations
  • Added support for file attachments when attaching form history to locations
  • Adjusted visit summary automatic file transfer protocol (FTP) upload to trigger on work closing instead of visit completion

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug where default values would cause form data to be seen as modified
  • Fixed bug with the inventory locations pages not paginating properly
  • Fixed an issue occurring while editing inventory locations with the address blank
  • Fixed import/export template form to properly show errors when submitting the form
  • Fixed radio and checkbox elements to show focusing styles so users know when they are being focused
  • Fixed various issues with the Work quotes:
    • Now able to zero out prices, update prices on created quotes, create work that properly registers the price of items from the quote, fixed issue with unpublishing work quote would not complete, fixed items to show their category on published quotes

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