
June 22nd, 2022


2 min read.

New Features:

  • New filter on Work-Visits for the payment terms of the work contact
  • Added location data columns to the equipment exports
  • Adjusted schedule ‘Map Visits’ action to open in a new tab
  • Popup from the scheduler now shows when a visit belongs to work with other visits
  • Added time-off dates to the User profile: Vacation Days page
  • Updated item search to also search on item descriptions
  • Sorting list items now uses a ‘handle’ for sorting so mobile users can scroll more easily
  • New ‘Download all’ files option for work and visit files
  • Adjusted service items on the Work (more compact for applicable users)
  • On visit pages, new ‘Start’ link for the suggested forms that allows users to attach and open the form in one action
  • Adjusted Visit Location address to be clickable on mobile devices so that it will open in the users ‘Maps’ application
  • New filter on the scheduler and work pages for an item category
  • Added validation to the equipment import to prevent users from adding equipment to locations/fleet that are not scoped to those location types
  • Re-designed the Locations equipment tab to show the equipment in groups by type (minimized on initial view)
  • Increased legibility of equipment types
  • Added company logo to the visit summary

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug where users were unable to change the manager of a user
  • Fixed an issue where users could not attach a visit to an invoice that already had other visits from that work attached
  • Fixed an issue where invoice total was not updating properly when using combo items
  • Fixed an issue with the use of Formula and Read-only fields that would not show proper options for the available fields to use in the formula
  • Fixed issue with forms using ‘min’ requirement on list sections
  • Fixed issue with form exporter not exporting some conditions based on values being ‘0’
  • Fixed various page break and spacing issues in the visit summary pdf version
  • Removed Work Fossa styling from pdf visit summary (orange bar on pages)
  • Removed Invoice description auto-setting based on the work description

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