
June 8th, 2022


2 min read.

New Features:

  • Added feature to automatically calculate generated field types (formulas and read-only types) on work import
  • Adjusted highlighting of assigned work in the schedule pages: If a user is assigned as the foreman they are now highlighted purple and helpers are highlighted yellow
  • On the schedule pages: the counts at the top of the day now reflect all work the user is assigned to and not just the work being shown by the filters
  • New link in the scheduler week view to open the visit in a new tab
  • Added a new ‘Add all equipment’ option while entering form-data for a multi-list section that is linked to equipment
  • New permission to allow users to enter forms on a visit
  • Added ‘contains’ filter to check a condition based on the value containing a value
  • New ‘Save & New’ function while entering customer equipment to allow users to enter multiple pieces of equipment
  • Added diagram element groups and sorting: Diagram elements can now belong to groups and be sorted
  • Added an option to manually set fleet numbers
  • Adjusted equipment imports to allow users to import equipment to inventory locations
  • Added a form history import that can be used to record previously recorded form results without having to complete full form entries

Additional Updates:

  • Corrected editing process of an invoice contact: Now all invoice changes are saved automatically on a timer.
  • Fixed a race condition on the unpublishing of an invoice that would leave the progress bar up even though the process had completed
  • Invoice totals now display properly on excel invoices
  • Fixed issue with the service item select dialog that would cause the items to keep scrolling at the end of the list
  • Fixed an issue with the custom fields on work not updating properly

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