

March 2nd, 2022

New Features:

  • Updated home page
  • Free form text option in the Form Print views
  • Added option Customer Headquarters for use in Form Print views
  • Sub-Contractor invoicing
  • Exact number search option for Locations/Visits/Work
    • Using the ‘#’ symbol before your search term will force the search to be against the location/visit/work number instead of a general term search
  • Moved user assignment in the scheduler to a dedicated button
  • Adjusted the equipment user interface for locations for easier viewing of all equipment information
  • Added display for option fields when using ‘sumBy’ functions to calculate aggregates in forms
  • Invoice draft view - Allows users to see invoices as a draft before publishing
  • Added support for location custom fields into the print view
  • New remove crew option in the scheduler to remove specific assignees from a visit
  • Equipment compare feature - Can be used to swap equipment between locations/fleet

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with viewing visit summaries as PDF
  • Fixed bug with conditions calculations wiping out field values on section change
  • Fixed bug in print view setup that caused incorrect section to be referenced in the field title
  • Fixed bug with completed visit filter not properly filtering visits by completed status on the visits page


February 16th, 2022

New Features:

  • New Work Projects feature: Allow users to create “Projects” to classify a group of work objects
  • Adjusted Schedule week view to expand the column height based on the user’s window size
  • Adjusted Location profile Forms tab to only show completed date
  • New customer contact import
  • Optimized equipment importer to handle larger import files
  • Payment terms are now able to be attached to each contact differently
  • Added support for company address/headquarters
  • Added support for disabling notifications system wide
  • Moved inventory location compare link to the Inventory Locations page

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with form reporting changes incorrectly
  • Fixed bug to correct Customer Location count in the work overview page when using certain filters
  • Fixed bug so that equipment conditions now calculate properly on form completion validation
  • Fixed bug so that users can now assign a zero value to work items
  • Fixed bug that was reporting partial success for import attempts that did not import any records


February 2nd, 2022

New Features:

  • New Tax Category/Matrix feature
    • Adds the ability to group items by tax category with different state tax requirements
  • Show equipment change details on the equipment history
    • Now will show exact changes in the equipment history data
  • Schedule groups are now expanded by default
  • Schedule assigned icon now selects the assigned user and highlights their work
  • Visit completion validation now supports requiring all equipment be tested
    • Can be restricted to specific service reasons
  • New add Inventory: Products page to view inventory by product
  • New copy location functions
    • Now supports copying location equipment, forms, and diagram data when transferring locations
    • Also adds the ability to add test history and filter test history by form or equipment type
  • Added support for attaching files to the Location profile
  • Optimized form section custom validations list to prevent redundancy
  • Adjusted Form Time formulas to be more consistent/accurate

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue where service names were truncated in the service selection dialog
    • We now also show more information with the services on the work/invoices
  • Fixed bug with opening previous work and not being able to interact with the visit actions
  • Fixed invoices to show bill-to name when bill-to is using a company name
  • Fixed issue with the transfer equipment not giving proper feedback
  • Fixed an issue where form exports would fail due to deleted fields being used in conditions
  • Fixed bug with inventory export not exporting


January 19th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added filtering to the Admin dashboard and Work overview pages
  • Added feature to customize form entry display information
  • Added feature to allow users to capture their own signature
  • Added feature to have a quantifier with your result validation on forms
  • Quantifier allows you to check for any/all values matching your validation rule instead of always testing all values

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with the equipment model list not resetting when the make is adjusted
  • Fixed bug with time format options not applying on date time fields in forms
  • Fixed bug with pattern matching custom validation not executing properly and causing validation failures
  • Fixed bug with formulas not evaluating for list sections past the first list index
  • Fixed bug with diagram images not updating thumbnails after the snapshot
  • Fixed bug with diagram labels sticking after the element in the diagram is deleted
  • Fixed bug with equipment titles not displaying properly for custom fields
  • Fixed bug with conditionally required fields always being validated for their type


January 5th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added support for fleet equipment selection in forms to include equipment from all assigned users’ Fleet vehicles
  • New download inventory option along with an inventory export type
  • Inventory Dashboard
  • Added new field on customer contacts for ‘external id’ which can be used to link the contact to external systems like accounting
  • New option to show fleet equipment next calibration during form entry
  • New condition available based on a location’s county

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with form multiple list sections and equipment selections
  • Fixed issue where form list sections items could not be modified
  • Fixed bug for equipment deactivation on equipment that was missing a make
  • Fixed bug with display conditions not applying on form fields properly

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