
March 2nd, 2022


2 min read.

New Features:

  • Updated home page
  • Free form text option in the Form Print views
  • Added option Customer Headquarters for use in Form Print views
  • Sub-Contractor invoicing
  • Exact number search option for Locations/Visits/Work
    • Using the ‘#’ symbol before your search term will force the search to be against the location/visit/work number instead of a general term search
  • Moved user assignment in the scheduler to a dedicated button
  • Adjusted the equipment user interface for locations for easier viewing of all equipment information
  • Added display for option fields when using ‘sumBy’ functions to calculate aggregates in forms
  • Invoice draft view - Allows users to see invoices as a draft before publishing
  • Added support for location custom fields into the print view
  • New remove crew option in the scheduler to remove specific assignees from a visit
  • Equipment compare feature - Can be used to swap equipment between locations/fleet

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with viewing visit summaries as PDF
  • Fixed bug with conditions calculations wiping out field values on section change
  • Fixed bug in print view setup that caused incorrect section to be referenced in the field title
  • Fixed bug with completed visit filter not properly filtering visits by completed status on the visits page

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