
February 2nd, 2022


2 min read.

New Features:

  • New Tax Category/Matrix feature
    • Adds the ability to group items by tax category with different state tax requirements
  • Show equipment change details on the equipment history
    • Now will show exact changes in the equipment history data
  • Schedule groups are now expanded by default
  • Schedule assigned icon now selects the assigned user and highlights their work
  • Visit completion validation now supports requiring all equipment be tested
    • Can be restricted to specific service reasons
  • New add Inventory: Products page to view inventory by product
  • New copy location functions
    • Now supports copying location equipment, forms, and diagram data when transferring locations
    • Also adds the ability to add test history and filter test history by form or equipment type
  • Added support for attaching files to the Location profile
  • Optimized form section custom validations list to prevent redundancy
  • Adjusted Form Time formulas to be more consistent/accurate

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue where service names were truncated in the service selection dialog
    • We now also show more information with the services on the work/invoices
  • Fixed bug with opening previous work and not being able to interact with the visit actions
  • Fixed invoices to show bill-to name when bill-to is using a company name
  • Fixed issue with the transfer equipment not giving proper feedback
  • Fixed an issue where form exports would fail due to deleted fields being used in conditions
  • Fixed bug with inventory export not exporting

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