

September 28th, 2022

New Features:

  • Extended user impersonation available on the Visit show page
  • Added alternating background color to form entries that have auto-filled data
  • List items now pre-populate values based on auto-fill settings
  • Improved performance of formula values during form entry
  • New “optimistic” saving of form section list items: No longer necessary to warn when there are unsaved changes
    • Switching between sections list items will automatically save the information in the background to allow users to switch between list items more fluidly

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed an issue with “Add all equipment” button not populating the first section row
  • Resolved an issue with visit completion timesheet integration creating conflicting entries
  • Fixed performance degradation on form entry list sections while working with multiple list items


September 15th, 2022

New Features:

  • Increased font contrast on form entries and side navigation
  • Added support for custom data objects in the visit verification
  • Added a format-as function for formula fields to display them as date/time
  • New integration with results
  • Now available user permission controls for the customer payment terms management
  • Added a validation check for adding time-off on a day that the user has work assigned
  • Added action on the visit page to attach a form result as a pdf/image
  • Added notification profile entries that automatically send work/visit notifications based on parameters of the work
  • Added page header to summary print-view

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue where timesheet hours were being credited for time off categories that should not have been counting as PTO
  • No longer showing incomplete forms in the visit summary


August 31st, 2022

New Features:

  • Added option to the Product usage report to show usage by location
  • Improved Visit Completion modal
  • Adjusted highlighting of assigned users on the Scheduler → Calendar to view to highlight consistent with the Week view
  • Added support for Fleet equipment in the print-view
  • Added notes and the ability to view visit summaries from the ‘Location Work’ button on the visit page
  • New feature to format fields based on conditions in a form
  • Added support for combining items during work import

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with PDF invoice logo
  • Fixed issue with work status list on the Work Overview not showing some visits
  • Fixed issue with showing time-off from the Scheduler Week view when using the ‘Highlight Foreman’ option
  • Fixed issue that prevented users from re-sorting custom work statuses
  • Fixed issues with conditions not working properly on the Work Custom fields
  • Fixed issue with Imports
  • Fixed issue with editing the Diagram from the visit completion modal


August 17th, 2022

New Features:

  • New photo gallery view available on visit attachments and on visit summaries
  • Adjusted visit form entry to show the name of the form in the page breadcrumb
  • Adjust Certifications expiring filter to support new within option for searching based on a number of days
  • Added support for saved searches on Invoices
  • Added support for saved searches on Locations
  • New feature to schedule export templates
  • New feature to schedule exports of saved searches

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with diagram version not capturing properly in some instances
  • Fixed issue with enabling timesheets configuration
  • Fixed Visit Verification document missing users assigned to the visit
  • Fixed issue where forms that were required through a combo-item were not being represented
  • Fixed an issue with print forms using multiple form entries


August 3rd, 2022

New Features:

  • Equipment Audit Report - shows changes to equipment within the timeframe of a visit
  • Added total inventory value when viewing an inventory location
  • Added filter for work/visits based on customers that are tax-exempt
  • Added column for default cost to the items import for products
  • Added new export of items
  • Added new export for “Invoice Items” which exports all invoice items with separate columns for taxed amounts
  • Form print-views can now combine data from multiple entries of the same form into a single document
  • Added support for location municipality in the print-views of forms
  • Moved user highlighting in the scheduler to its own dedicated button: User filter now only filters by that user and no longer highlights
  • Added integration of the field timesheets into the visit completion process
    • Field users will now be able to enter in their timesheet information while completing a visit and it will populate on the timesheet for that user

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with exporting work items using “within” date filters
  • Fixed issue with form section validation not being applied properly
  • Improved/Redesigned FTP resources for easier management in the future

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