
September 15th, 2022


1 min read.

New Features:

  • Increased font contrast on form entries and side navigation
  • Added support for custom data objects in the visit verification
  • Added a format-as function for formula fields to display them as date/time
  • New integration with Vaultmodules.com results
  • Now available user permission controls for the customer payment terms management
  • Added a validation check for adding time-off on a day that the user has work assigned
  • Added action on the visit page to attach a form result as a pdf/image
  • Added notification profile entries that automatically send work/visit notifications based on parameters of the work
  • Added page header to summary print-view

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue where timesheet hours were being credited for time off categories that should not have been counting as PTO
  • No longer showing incomplete forms in the visit summary

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