
August 17th, 2022


1 min read.

New Features:

  • New photo gallery view available on visit attachments and on visit summaries
  • Adjusted visit form entry to show the name of the form in the page breadcrumb
  • Adjust Certifications expiring filter to support new within option for searching based on a number of days
  • Added support for saved searches on Invoices
  • Added support for saved searches on Locations
  • New feature to schedule export templates
  • New feature to schedule exports of saved searches

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with diagram version not capturing properly in some instances
  • Fixed issue with enabling timesheets configuration
  • Fixed Visit Verification document missing users assigned to the visit
  • Fixed issue where forms that were required through a combo-item were not being represented
  • Fixed an issue with print forms using multiple form entries

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