

December 7th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added support for SFTP connections for automated exports/notifications
  • Added ‘Period End Value’ to inventory parts usage report
  • Changed default naming of Visit Summaries
  • Added payment term to the invoice export
  • Added bulk ‘Modify Items’ action to the Work → List: Allows users to add/remove items for multiple work orders at once
  • Adjusted email transaction to handle large batches of emails better
  • Optimized performance of the notification profiles job
  • Added creator to the locked contacts list
  • Optimized performance of Visit Summary
  • Added function for search visits by form results: Allows users to find ‘fail/pass/inconclusive’ form results

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with work importer using default pricing for services added
  • Fixed issue with result summaries being too large for email


November 23rd, 2022

New Features:

  • New restrictions for user/role management (not including Account Admins) to prevent them from bypassing permissions through user invites/edits
  • Added page management to the Print-View for forms
  • Added support billing contacts from Customers other than the customer of the location being serviced
  • Added support for timesheets for all users outside of customers and sub-contractors

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with form entry equipment titles not listing all values from fields with multiple values
  • Fixed various UI issues with the setup of notification entries
  • Fixed issue with diagram element thumbnails disappearing after editing a group
  • Fixed issue with Print-View on forms not using conditions properly on multi-entry Print-Views
  • Fixed issue with condition handling on Read-only fields not honoring conditions from fields in other sections
  • Fixed issue with Form List sections truncating values outside of the auto-list generation count


November 9th, 2022

New Features:

  • File lists now support pagination and searching when files exceed 50
  • Added invoice target group to notes for Customers and Locations that are made visible during invoice creation
  • Added calibration dates to the equipment selection drop down during form entry
  • Adjusted emails from Work Fossa to now be sent from

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with Equipment calibration page not loading properly


October 26th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added filters for calibration due date on the equipment page
  • Added pagination to sub-contractor lists to better support large lists of sub-contractors
  • Added support for file attachments on Fleet Vehicles
  • Adjust attachment opening on Reference file attachments to open inline (pdf and images only)
  • Added an option to view Reference documents as a list instead of tiles

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with long file names overflowing their labels
  • Fixed issues where deleted users were causing load errors on Certifications and Fleet list
  • Fixed issue with Breadcrumb not setting properly after editing/saving Customer locations
  • Added missing item types to the price profile configuration (Labor/Expenses)


October 12th, 2022

New Features:

  • Adjusted form search on visit page to exclude forms that do not have any sections/questions
  • Added configuration to require visit verification
  • Adjusted the Customer Contact External ID to no longer be unique allowing users to use the same external id for multiple customer contact.
  • Adjusted logic of work import to fallback on the last used Contact of the location while importing work when no contact is provided.
  • Updated the Location Work button on visits to now show who was assigned to the other visits.
  • Updated work descriptions to no longer have a limit. Work Description will now allow for large text input. Descriptions are now limited to an excerpt that can be expanded on the Work → List page to account for this.
  • Added an approval process to new customer contacts as configuration option. If this configuration is turned on it will lock contacts of new customers as they are created. Approvals for new customer accounts are made from the Admin → Customers → Locked Contacts page.

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