
October 12th, 2022


1 min read.

New Features:

  • Adjusted form search on visit page to exclude forms that do not have any sections/questions
  • Added configuration to require visit verification
  • Adjusted the Customer Contact External ID to no longer be unique allowing users to use the same external id for multiple customer contact.
  • Adjusted logic of work import to fallback on the last used Contact of the location while importing work when no contact is provided.
  • Updated the Location Work button on visits to now show who was assigned to the other visits.
  • Updated work descriptions to no longer have a limit. Work Description will now allow for large text input. Descriptions are now limited to an excerpt that can be expanded on the Work → List page to account for this.
  • Added an approval process to new customer contacts as configuration option. If this configuration is turned on it will lock contacts of new customers as they are created. Approvals for new customer accounts are made from the Admin → Customers → Locked Contacts page.

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