
November 23rd, 2022


1 min read.

New Features:

  • New restrictions for user/role management (not including Account Admins) to prevent them from bypassing permissions through user invites/edits
  • Added page management to the Print-View for forms
  • Added support billing contacts from Customers other than the customer of the location being serviced
  • Added support for timesheets for all users outside of customers and sub-contractors

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with form entry equipment titles not listing all values from fields with multiple values
  • Fixed various UI issues with the setup of notification entries
  • Fixed issue with diagram element thumbnails disappearing after editing a group
  • Fixed issue with Print-View on forms not using conditions properly on multi-entry Print-Views
  • Fixed issue with condition handling on Read-only fields not honoring conditions from fields in other sections
  • Fixed issue with Form List sections truncating values outside of the auto-list generation count

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