

May 11th, 2022

New Features:

  • New user assignment feature: Now supports ‘Foreman’ and ‘Helper’ as separate relationships in the work visit
  • Custom process for automated invoice exporting for Peachtree accounting system added
  • Now supporting notes on customer contacts with an invoice target group
  • Now able to insert a customized field with text or as a reference to another field
  • Added support for attaching notes to a visit summary
  • When viewing visit summary, new option to select what you want to be visible in the summary (compatible with automatic file transfer protocol)
  • Adjusted behavior for conditional form sections so that they may be skipped instead of showing the users the section information

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with applying form filters
  • Fixed bug to show the correct form fields when editing/adding equipment within a form entry
  • Fixed bug to widen acceptable decimal format
  • Equipment value references now set properly on sites with new equipment
  • Users now able to edit the target group of a note
  • Fixed bug that prevented users from saving entity/user/inventory locations when using location custom fields
  • Fixed bug to address filter by customer on the ‘unscheduled’ list in the schedule pages


April 27th, 2022

New Features:

  • New ‘Locked’ feature for billing contacts prevents work being scheduled for that contact
  • Products now support a ‘cost’ that is visible when setting prices
  • Now available – optional Excel format for invoices
  • Automatically attach item quantity based on the count of equipment at the visit location
  • Added fields for hire date and birth date to users
  • Option to notify account managers of changes to their schedules
  • Ability to deactivate users without deleting them
  • Notes can now be added to visit summary
  • Advanced date filters search dates ‘within’ (Ex: within the last 5 days)
  • File naming of work quotes now includes the work quote number
  • Adjusted Certification types to have an associated state (optional)

Additional Updates:

  • Changes to item import: item lookup will favor the item number now to determine update vs. create
  • Forms now record equipment (changes to the equipment after the form is entered will not affect completed forms for that same equipment)
  • Corrected equipment custom validation and conditions
  • Fixed issue with ‘Delete’ equipment function on the Customer profile


April 13th, 2022

New Features

  • Customer Equipment Export can now include last test result (may also be used from the customer equipment tab)
  • New enhanced item search allows users to select the item type during search
  • Added exact search when using the ‘#’ symbol to lookup items by item number
  • Time-off now supports categories (e.g. vacation) that blocks out a user's availability on timesheet and schedule
  • Form print views now support date formatting for all date field types
  • New search filters for visits: 'visit has file(s) attached' or 'visit does not have file(s) attached'
  • Also, search visits by type of attached file
  • Enhanced condition support for the Form print-view.

Additional Updates

  • Fixed issue: invoices now recalculate recurring work prices properly when unpublished and republished


March 30th, 2022

New Features:

  • Export for timesheets
  • Saved searches function for work and visit searches
  • Minimum site charge feature is now available
  • Work Cancellation feature is now available
  • Fleet search now searches by assigned user as well
  • Visit notifications are now logged as visit activity and can be resent from the activity log
  • Work imports now available from the work list page without having to go into the Admin → Imports menu
  • User manager support: Allows users to have other users assigned to them (search timesheets, work and visits based on the manager)
  • Expanded field dashboard now shows the description and payment terms without having to open ‘More Info’
  • Payment terms and pricing profile can now be selected at the time of customer creation

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed issue with the category list being truncated in the dialog for selecting work items


March 16th, 2022

New Features:

  • Added support for time-entry for field users
  • Now support precision setting on hidden formula fields
  • Added projection to work to show changes between invoiced amount and projected values of the work
  • Added search option to invoices to see invoices that were unpublished between certain dates: Can be combined with filter for current published status
  • Added filters for customer contact on the work and visits page
  • Now displaying customer contact information on the work list page
  • Added two new service item types for expenses and labor
  • Added a new configuration to view visits sorted in the scheduler
  • Added an import type for fleet
  • List form sections can now insert rows in-between list items

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with form conditional result validation on multiple list sections
  • Fixed issue with equipment custom field values
  • Fixed bug where the location state was not being queried on the visits page
  • Fixed bug where field users were unable to complete visits when using the auto-scheduling feature

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