
March 16th, 2022


1 min read.

New Features:

  • Added support for time-entry for field users
  • Now support precision setting on hidden formula fields
  • Added projection to work to show changes between invoiced amount and projected values of the work
  • Added search option to invoices to see invoices that were unpublished between certain dates: Can be combined with filter for current published status
  • Added filters for customer contact on the work and visits page
  • Now displaying customer contact information on the work list page
  • Added two new service item types for expenses and labor
  • Added a new configuration to view visits sorted in the scheduler
  • Added an import type for fleet
  • List form sections can now insert rows in-between list items

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with form conditional result validation on multiple list sections
  • Fixed issue with equipment custom field values
  • Fixed bug where the location state was not being queried on the visits page
  • Fixed bug where field users were unable to complete visits when using the auto-scheduling feature

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