

February 21st, 2023

New Features:

  • Invoice updates:
    • Added service reason to PDF view
    • Small design changes to PDF view
    • Added a new option to service item class to add an alias on invoices

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed a bug on the work list page when filtering on work status and account manager that showed work of other account managers
  • Fixed bug on invoice page where date filters were not used when exporting


February 15th, 2023

New Features:

  • Added an “Include All” option to the visit files to include all images/documents with 1 click
  • Added support for notifications to be sent at multiple offsets
    • For instance, send scheduled notification at 10 days and again at 3 days
  • Added the ability to FTP visit results using specific naming conventions
  • Added a feature to show Work Custom Field data on the visits
  • When changing bill to/Location of Work it will now pre-populate the current selection to help save time and prevent mistakes
  • Work → List: Location # is now a link to the location profile
  • Made the billing contacts Company visible
  • Added a new filter to the Work Projected (Accrual) Export to only include totals of invoices based on their status
  • Added Invoice description to PDF invoice version

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed Dashboard Revenue calculation to now work with work spanning multiple days
  • Fixed an issue that prevented viewing previous work using the “Location Work” button
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from updating the ‘External ID’ field on the customer contacts
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Customer’ filter on the Work → List and Work → Visits pages was filtering by the bill to customer instead of the location customer
  • Fixed an issue where visits that had their dates changed that also belonged to a group would not display on the proper date on the scheduler
  • Fixed an issue where customers with more than 50 contacts would not have that list properly searchable on work creation
  • Fixed bug with Invoice Export that prevented the export from running


February 8th, 2023

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed an issue regarding some customers' tax-exempt status
  • Fixed an issue with rounding item totals on invoices
  • Added Customer invoice details from Work to the standard PDF invoice


February 1st, 2023

New Features:

  • New feature for assigning a “target” to your Contact’s emails: You can now specify which emails should receive results and which emails should receive invoices
  • Added a new permission for deactivating equipment
  • Re-designed the visit popup from the schedule to be more concise and consistent
  • Added a filter on the work page for “Needs Invoice” to find work/visits that have/have not been invoiced.

Additonal Updates:

  • Fixed bug with invoice date defaulting to UTC time instead of local time
  • Changed order of work on invoices to be ordered by work date descending
  • Fixed an issue where resetting prices did not sync data to unpublished invoices
  • Fixed an issue where notes on the summary would not display with line-breaks as they were typed
  • Fixed an issue where work was not ordered properly on the Work → List page
  • Added a way to order descending/ascending based on the scheduled date of the work
  • Fixed an issue with pricing not pulling properly for items with multiple modifiers during work creation


January 18th, 2023

New Features:

  • Made some more small adjustments to invoices per customer requests
  • Added small optimization to the Form Entry initial load
  • Added Customer PO # to the Visit page beneath the location details
  • Added Work Projection Report
  • Work Order Invoiced amounts now show how much of that work was invoiced not the total of the invoices that the work is attached to
    • Should make it easier to confirm work items are properly accounted for
  • Updated Work List page to display more information
    • Changed page to default to the table view
    • Added scope of work
    • Added more visit information (next, last visit)
    • Added Service Reason
    • Added Customer PO #
  • Added new bulk update features:
  • Bulk updating work description
  • Bulk adding notes
  • Bulk resetting prices

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed an issue where missing forms exception would not ask the field to provide a reason for missing when a form was in-progress
  • Fixed an issue when visits had more than 50 files it would not show all of them
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields on locations with conditions were always being validated even though the conditions were not being met
  • Fixed an issue where the price profile name would not show when editing a customer
  • Fixed an issue where the import would not find ‘Combo’ items in the import
  • Fixed an issue where phone number errors would not display on locations
  • Fixed an issue where the import history would not paginate properly
  • Fixed an issue that would report incorrect vacation days on the Users Profile and in the Admin Users Profile
  • Fixed an issue with customer contacts not paginating properly on the Customer Profile

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