
February 1st, 2023


1 min read.

New Features:

  • New feature for assigning a “target” to your Contact’s emails: You can now specify which emails should receive results and which emails should receive invoices
  • Added a new permission for deactivating equipment
  • Re-designed the visit popup from the schedule to be more concise and consistent
  • Added a filter on the work page for “Needs Invoice” to find work/visits that have/have not been invoiced.

Additonal Updates:

  • Fixed bug with invoice date defaulting to UTC time instead of local time
  • Changed order of work on invoices to be ordered by work date descending
  • Fixed an issue where resetting prices did not sync data to unpublished invoices
  • Fixed an issue where notes on the summary would not display with line-breaks as they were typed
  • Fixed an issue where work was not ordered properly on the Work → List page
  • Added a way to order descending/ascending based on the scheduled date of the work
  • Fixed an issue with pricing not pulling properly for items with multiple modifiers during work creation

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