
August 19th, 2021


1 min read.

Notable Updates:

  • New feature for service combinations has been added. Allows users to define combination pricing for services.
  • Adjust 'Map Visits' action in the scheduler to handle more visits in its selection
  • Added a new mechanism for adding instructions/content to a form outside of normal field input.
  • New feature for customizing regular expression validation messages.
  • New feature to control what file uploads are attached to visit summaries. Also supports pdf as options.
  • New feature to attach documents to the Reference Material Database.

Other Updates:

  • Fixed intermittent issue on map pages where data would not load.
  • Fixed issue with invalid form validation.
  • Fixed bug with equipment selection in forms incorrectly showing ‘clear changes.’
  • Fixed issue where equipment model selection is not reset between equipment types.
  • Fixed issue on invoice item deletion not deleting the proper item.
  • Fixed issue with customer filters on the calendar page not initializing properly.
  • Fixed bug where custom field filters were not being sent properly to exports and other bulk actions.

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