
June 23rd, 2021


2 min read.

Notable updates:

  • Bulk updates now provide better error reporting when errors are encountered
  • Re-design of Services/Parts management:
    • Users can now use parts from their inventory outside of the Visit completion process
    • Invoice itemization feature: Users can now invoice items separately for Work
    • Expanded inventory permissions to allow users to view inventory without the ability to modify it
  • Work import updated to support quantities of items being imported
  • Customer Forms View: Customer users can now view form data analysis (similar to Admin view)
  • Moved 'Unscheduled' toggle to save space in the schedule filters
  • Enabled notes on Invoices
  • Note visibility feature now shows notes internally, to Customers, or to Admins only
  • Added support for multiple Customer filters in the schedule pages
  • Added new filter for user roles in the schedule pages
  • Added 'affected' visits when bulk updating schedule, assignment, and category of work in the schedule pages
  • Created reference material database:
    • Allows users to create a database of material for their users to reference

Other updates:

  • Addressed bug: Protected location creation endpoint in the API
  • Addressed bug where required toggle would erase description data on custom fields
  • Addressed bug to drop unscheduled visits back into the unscheduled sidebar
  • Addressed bug so now conditions can be added to Work/Equipment/Invoice/Location custom fields
  • User Experience improvements:
    • While editing a field on Forms, the page will no longer bounce to the top after editing
    • Refactored advanced options for number and text fields to be more intuitive

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