
May 10th, 2023


1 min read.


  • Event/Notification system
    • Users can now be subscribed to system events and be notified when things happen in the application. Only the following events are supported for now but more will come in the future:
      • Invoice Created
      • Invoice Deleted
      • Invoice Unpublished
      • Invoice Published
      • Form Entry Completed
  • Added an indicator on the Invoice creation when creating invoices for customers that do not have price profile set.
  • Added an option to the user custom fields to control which ones are displayed during user invite and which one are shown as user filters for timesheets.
  • User custom fields are now displayed on the User profile page.
  • Added configuration for a ‘Reply to’/’From’ email for notifications sent out of Work Fossa.


  • Inventory adjustments can now accept comments.
  • Changed the placeholder for customers that do not have a price profile set to not be confused with ‘Default Price’ profile.
  • Visit scheduled reminder notification will now have a reply-to set to the account manager for that visit.


  • When creating invoices that are using combos that don’t exist, the system will now catch this error and give feedback for the user.

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