
March 30th, 2023


2 min read.


  • If inventory location is fleet, the user who is assigned to the fleet is shown on the inventory location profile
  • Ability to add multiple items at once on work quotes
  • New permission for invoice unpublishing
  • Fleet export
  • ‘Not Sent’ filter to invoice page filters
  • Admin dashboard can now see the projected revenue breakdown
  • Bulk download of invoice files
  • Link on invoice list page to download invoice files
  • Bulk send invoices from invoice list page
  • Free form email to modal when sending invoices
  • User number column as an option to timesheet export
  • New configuration to require an invoice when closing work.
    • When this configuration is enabled, work will be required to have an invoice attached before closing is allowed
    • If the invoice amount does not equal the total item value work will show a warning and ask for a reason
    • If no invoice is attached a reason will be required before closing work


  • On work create page the category select now shows a list of categories without needing to type
  • On schedule pages the work category can now exclude categories from search


  • Timesheet on visit page now shows correct total time for the visit
  • Timesheet on visit page now links to user timesheet with the proper permission
  • Work import combining service numbers and failing to import
  • Fix an issue where municipality would not show selected value when editing a location
  • Fix issue with saved searches for certain filters on work and work visit pages

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