
March 2nd, 2023


2 min read.

New Features:

  • Display the field user’s name next to their timesheet entry on the visit page.
  • Added fields to Work Visits export:
    • Projected revenue
    • County
    • Completed Date
  • Added a grid to the diagram when editing
  • Added a confirmation dialog before clearing changes when filling out a form
  • Added an option to the visit reopening dialog to keep parts, this dialog is only shown when parts are added from the action menu or closing a visit
  • Added an option to the scheduler to remove the crew of the selected visits when rescheduling
  • Changed Work Category schedule filter changed to allow multiple values
  • When adding parts during a visit, the app would automatically choose an inventory location (fleet). Now, if there are multiple inventory locations assigned to a visit, the user will need to select the inventory location from which the parts will be taken. However, if there is only one inventory location assigned to a visit, the app will still automatically select that inventory location.
  • Updated the work invoice creation modal to provide a better preview of which items/types will be synced to invoices.
  • Improved the ability to control what gets synced to an invoice - This will enhance the process for customers who want separate invoices for parts and services
    • With the improved syncing, this will prevent unwanted items from being synced to an invoice when the invoice is unpublished
    • Displays the items/types that have been synced to other invoices created by the work
    • Show a warning when creating a new invoice that overlaps with an existing one and require confirmation before creating it

Additional Updates:

  • Corrected date filters using ‘within’ when using 0 as a value
  • Corrected issue with 'Use Parts' feature that wouldn’t remove parts when quantity was set to 0
  • Corrected schedule route groups from showing visit on the wrong date.
  • Corrected schedule route groups when changing visit date not moving to new date
  • Corrected an issue with the work importer that caused it to create incorrect combinations or fail to combine services into the proper quantities

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