
November 24th, 2021


1 min read.

New Features:

  • Added 'read' only field options in the form export/import
  • Added pagination to the Forms list and form add
  • Added Formula precision options
  • Added a new 'not-equal' operator to the Form conditions

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with new multi-select field type not showing selected options
  • Fixed issue with 'Fleet Equipment' field showing all equipment when the location was not available
  • Import errors now displaying properly
  • Fixed bug that allowed empty conditions to be saved
  • Fixed bug with auto-list options in the form section options from being immutable
  • Fixed bug with 'matches any' condition not working when used with equipment fields
  • Fixed bug where section validation would not evaluate properly on form completion
  • Adjust result validation to allow validation to be applied to hidden formula value
  • Fixed bug where formula values would not adjust after navigating between sections

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