
October 27th, 2021


1 min read.

New Features:

  • Added support for pricing based on specific service reasons
  • Added filters for work/visit on city and zip code
  • New time field options in forms for supporting 24 hr format and custom time intervals
  • New multi-select field type in forms
  • Added validation for read-only fields to require options be filled
  • Added feature for hiding formula fields that are only used for calculations
  • Equipment Default fields are now customizable

Additional Updates:

  • Fixed bug with exporting forms with improper references
  • Fixed bug that was applying form result validation on inactive fields based on conditions
  • Fixed bug that allowed Fleet equipment fields to be created without having an equipment type set
  • Fixed bug with form importing fields out of order
  • Fixed bug with form entry update loop
  • Fixed bug to display custom result validation messages properly

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