
October 13th, 2021


1 min read.

New Features:

  • Users can now attach a product image to the work pages
  • Input validation for Forms has now been extended to include fields from Equipment
  • Activated new feature to require fields based on conditions
  • Print view adjusted to avoid page breaks in the middle of the verification
  • Users can now select fleet equipment in Forms
  • Form imports and exports now support multiple state conditions

Additional Updates:

  • Date-Time fields are now being validated correctly
  • Improved form imports with customer conditions
  • Corrected editing conditional formula order and deleting
  • Fixed bug where fields would carry over from Equipment to Forms
  • Fixed display of header messages
  • Fixed bug where field data would reset based on selection of required
  • Corrected opening custom process logs
  • Fixed bug in exporting forms that used conditionals based on default equipment fields
  • Fixed bug with importer field mapping that would prevent users from advancing the import

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